Monster hunters, design by Tooth Wu
So unfortunately I experienced a little bit a of a nightmare beginning of 2023, Somehow my computer one day while working crashed, hard, and while doing that fried 3 ssd's in my computer, my work drive, and the backup drive for the work drive, which contained all the work i did in 2022, of which where 2 of my most elaborate models, the monster hunters by Tooth-Wu.
Since these where SSD's i was told that recovery would be difficult, no guarantees, and expensive, plus would void the warranty on said ssds, making this all the more expensive, so I decided against recovery.
I've tried to salvage as much of what i still have of those monster hunters (going through old discord messages, screen capture instagram posts), because there was too much work in these not to post, unfortunately nothing very high rez. and all "work in progress"
Both where made with proper topo, I wasn't too happy with either of their renders, i wanted something a bit more "God of war" ish, thats why i hadn't posted them on AST yet, also wanted a fresh stab at the wolf head's fur, that was my first Xgen experience, and i felt it could be better after learning some more.
Anyways, long story, this is all i have of them now, hope you still like. (and i have online backup storage now ;) )